Here is good news for all the world famous reality show “American Idol” is back. The ace reality show which was created by Simon Fuller to find the solo music talent on the Fox network which was debuted from June 11, 2002 is one of the popular show in American television is back into action from January 12, 2010. The show has the record of being in #1 reality show for 5 seasons. The show was inspired from the British reality show “Pop Idol” which was telecasted in Britain and Republic of Ireland during 2001 and 2003. The main theme of the program is to discover the fresh voice of America through nationwide auditions. The show is currently hosted by Rickey Minor. The show is getting ready for its next season which will have Ellen DeGeneres as its new judge replacing Paula Abdul who will be joining Simon and Randy. The show will also feature special guests for its audition which will include Victoria Beckham, Mary J. Blige, Kristin Chenoweth, Neil Patrick Harris, Joe Jonas, Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry and Shania Twain. The show will be telecasted on Tuesday and Wednesday nights in USA & Canada. The show is aired on Wednesday and Thursday nights in Australia and Asia. The show is broadcasted on Thursday and Friday nights in UK, Friday and Saturday nights in Israel and Latin American people can view this show by weekend. Initially they will feature the four hour premiere of auditions which were held at Boston and Atlanta.
Would Obama feature in American Idol?