Tuesday, September 8, 2009

“Microsoft” – Attention please…

Since the world has become globalized, almost all professionals use Microsoft outlook for their internal email communications. Microsoft outlook is one of the greatest inventory in the kitty of software giant Microsoft. But Outlook has a great flaw in it . And the sad thing is its not debugged and I doubt if the MS people know realize this blunder??? Ok let me first tell you what’s the bug is and try this in your MS outlook.

  1. When you get a new mail in your inbox. Open the mail.
  2. Edit some phrase and add your own text there.
  3. Save the mail now somewhere in your machine.
  4. Open the mail again and see the message. You can see the edited one instead of the original message.

This leads to the chances of misusing the mails and anybody can easily change your words. And they can prove the fake one as an original message either until or unless you have not deleted your sent items. Think how critical a issue this is. Have not the Microsoft people noticed this yet or they don’t have any solution? They have not answered yet. Rather than waiting for them to do some thing about this, Its high time that we do something to be on the safer side.

Pals, please save your important sent items personally to save your dignity and avoid those kind of situations.


  1. hi! i used microsoft outlook once and i never thought about this, so my message is not safe, it can be edited and used against me. another great info.


  2. really a serious issue...

  3. Really needs attention... http://telecomnewz.blogspot.com/
